Foreign Direct Investment

With regard to national security, regulations and control of foreign direct investments (FDI) and security‑sensitive investments have been adopted in Sweden and at EU level. Our team together with our international network provide bespoke solutions with the transaction in focus.

New Swedish investment screening rules concerning transfers of security‑sensitive business activities entered into force on 1 January 2021 as part of the Swedish Protective Security Act. The regulatory framework has a wide scope of application and entails that transfers of different forms of business activities require consultations with and approval by public authorities.


In addition, EU rules governing screening of investments made by countries outside the EU(Foreign Direct Investments – FDI) – have entered into force alongside supplementary provisions in Swedish law. In addition to these rules, Sweden is expected to introduce a new national regulatory framework governing foreign direct investments.


The investment screening rules that have been introduced and those expected to be imposed in Sweden and the EU will have a major impact on transactions affecting the Swedish market. This development entails increased requirements for domestic and cross‑border transactions within an already complex regulatory environment. The new rules require expertise to ensure compliance with this cobweb of rules at national and international level.

How we can assist you

As a market leader within M&A, our lawyers have extensive experience in complex transactions. We are accustomed to efficiently dealing with issues that require an advanced analysis of both national and international rules. Moreover, we have long and significant experience of advising on the Swedish Protective Security Act and similar legislation abroad. Thus, as a full‑service law firm we provide advice on all aspects of transfers of security‑sensitive business activities and foreign direct investments. This advice includes, inter alia, the following:

  • Requirements at national and EU level related to the new rules on security‑sensitive business activities and foreign direct investments
  • Cross-border jurisdiction analysis in order to establish where a particular transaction must be notified
  • Process planning and project management
  • Preparation and/or co‑ordination of applications to Swedish and foreign authorities, including to the European Commission

Our international network

We work closely with law firms around the world and can provide our clients with selected contacts in more than 100 countries. Alongside our own lawyers, we can offer our clients bespoke solutions with the right competence and sense of business.

As the leading full‑service law firm in Sweden, Vinge offers an overall solution in order to perform all types of cross‑border transactions.


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